New York City's wealthiest families are looking for nannies. Their solution? To create an association which would serve as a nanny database. Their requirements? Young females between the ages of sixteen and ninete
en. These ladies must be proper, good with children, and willing to move in. Thousands of applications are sent in every year, but only a select few are chosen to become nannies, the most cunning, clever, and crafty. Welcome to the concrete jungle.
This roleplay moderated by High Fashionista and co-moded by Shake Your Hips and Do The Twist & underthesun. It reminds me of The Nanny Diaries, one of my favorites movie ever at all. I like the fresh, new concept from this roleplay; common roleplays usually talk about everything & anything fun. If they have work to do, I think that doesn't really matter a lot such as The Nannies of Fifth Avenue. We know WHAT nannies do.
If you're on Polyvore, you can make a tryout set and submit it to the
tryout contest. There's still one day left! Afterwards, the roleplay will be started and the events will be up later.
This set is amazing. This is not too outstanding for nannies but also nice-looking. I can imagine a nanny wears those pair of Tory Burch flats while taking care of a wealthy kid. I'll add one paragraph of the story from Bugaboo B.:
"Keagan! Mason! NOOOOO----!" My breath ended in a last tragic scream before grape juice went flying into the air, my eyes following the stream of dark purple liquid in horror as it landed with a splash on my brand-spanking-new, not-even-in-stores-yet Yves Saint Laurent Italian silk dress. Dry-cleaned and hanging in my armoire, the buttery cream silk now bore a purple splotch the size of Egypt, right on the empire line.